Ionbond LLC

200 Roundhill Drive
CA-Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2M3

About Ionbond LLC

Ionbond provides thin-film coating services and equipment and operates 39 coating centers in 17 countries. Its coatings are used to improve durability, quality, functionality, efficiency and aesthetics of tools and components. Ionbond is part of the business unit of the IHI Group as well as IHI VTN for Heat treatment, Hauzer Techno Coating for PVD and PACVD Equipment and IHI Machinery and Furnace Company for Heat Treatment equipment.

Competitors of Ionbond LLC

We are the innovators and manufacturers of environmentally safe, user friendly, solvent free, Epoxy, Paint, Coatings and Adhesive systems for Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Military, Marine and Aerospace applications. Read More

FAMIS Incorporated